

                                                                                            Lily Photograph, Sandra Morgan ©2001


    releasing crocus petals
        chirp by chirp

clocks put back –
     a bowl fills
        with late sunshine

each in its place
stars and star light

snowflakes    I see the wind

losing touch   the drifting leaves



not so long ago
how perfect you found
the way I appeared

now that you’ve put on weight
how you criticize me

glad to return home
after a long vacation
I feel your absence

my lipstick prints are still there
on the cold of your photo

a sudden loud noise 
all the pigeons of Venice 
at once fill the sky 
that’s how it felt when your hand 
accidentally touched mine

in my next life
I’d like to be a cat
And sit on your lap

But please I beg of you
Please don’t have me spayed





“sunrise” – Haiku Canada Members’ Anthology 1989-1990, edited by Denise Coney

“clocks put back” – Through the Spirea: The 1998 Herb Barrett Award, edited by Michael Dylan Welch, hamilton press, 1999

“stars” and “thoughts lost” – “the concorde on time” renga with Dorothy Howard and Betty Drevniok, proof press, 1995

“snowflakes” – the Red Moon Anthology, 1997, edited by Jim Kacian, Red Moon Press, 1998

“losing touch” and “even for the scarecrow” – “Falling Leaves” (solo sequence) , Mirrors, Winter 1993, AHA Books.


“glad to return home” – Tanka Splendor: Mirrors International Tanka Awards, 1991; judged by George Swede; AHA Books, 1992

“a sudden loud noise” –  First Prize, Traditional Category, North American Tanka Winners' Anthology:“Colorless Leaves” edited by Gerald St. Maur, inkling press, 2001

all other tanka – Wind Five Folded: An Anthology of English-Language Tanka, edited by Werner and Jane Reichhold, Aha Books, 1994

 Ruby Spriggs in Memoriam: Tanka and Photo by Grant Savage
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