Elizabeth St Jacques
SPECIAL OFFER RE MAPLEBUD PRESS BOOKS ONLY: Order first two books (or two of the same) and receive "echoes" as a gift! All Maplebud Press books are autographed. This offer available only from Elizabeth St Jacques |
OF LIGHT – 150 haiku with Foreword by Christopher Herold, former
President of the Haiku Poets of N. California and artwork by Ruby Spriggs
of Ottawa, Ontario. Winner of the 1995 Merit Book Award, Haiku Society
of America; Albatross Award, 1995 (Romania); and Small Press Review’s November
“Pick” 1995. Maplebud Press, ISBN: 0-9693811-3. 124 pages, perfect bound,
soft cover, photos. $15. (Available)
AROUND THE TREE OF LIGHT – the first collection of original sijo in the English-language by a North American poet. More than 60 sijo along with the history of sijo, instructions on how to write this charming poetry form and the changes it is undergoing in the West. Lists for further sijo reading, publications, and competitions.Maplebud Press, 1995/1997, ISBN: 0-9693811-2-3. 100 pages, perfect bound, soft cover. $14. (Available) echoes all strung out – Elizabeth’s first haiku illustrated by the author. Maplebud Press, ISBN: 0-9693811-0-7. 48 pages, saddle stitched, soft cover. $5. (Available) landings soft – this collection of 37 haiku was the winner of the Cicada Haiku Chapbook Award, published by Amelia Press, 1994. ISBN: 0-936545-21-6. 16 pages, saddle-stitched, soft cover, author’s photo on front cover. $5.ppd. (CA residents add 7.25% sales tax); $5.50 to Canada & Mexico; $7. Elsewhere. (Available from Amelia. Email publisher Frederick Raborg, Jr. for details -- subject line should read: Book Order Query) Please note: this collection is available ONLY from Amelia.
The following 4 collections are sold out and OUT OF PRINT but can be found in some libraries: curve of light –a mini collection of haiku published by Trabarni Productions, Canada ISBN: 1-895666-10-4, 1993. Silver Sigh & Shadows Blue - haiku and other poetry. M.O. Publishing, USA, 1989 Diary of Thoughts - Carlton Press, Inc., USA, 1967 SURVIVORS: THE GREAT DEPRESSION (1929-1939) – mapblebud press, 1991 ISBN: 0-9693811-1-5. True experiences of those who survived one of the most devastating periods in modern history. Researched for 4 ½ years. Stories of anger, sorrow, courage and humor from Canada, USA, England, Greece and New Zealand. Maplebud Press, 140 pages, photos, Glossary, index, spiral bound, soft cover. BROADSHEETS: (these are still available, each costing only a few cents! Order ONLY from Dorothy Howard): … on a fair day – a solo series of haiku - Haiku Canada from now on (co-authored with Dorothy Howard) – a 100 link renga. Proof Press, Canada searching the shore (co-authored with Michael Dudley) – a renga. Proof Press, Canada gatherings (co-authored with Winona Baker) – a renga. Haiku Canada On
The Edge (a solo haiku folder)
- available only from LeRoy
Gorman, editor & publisher,
(OUT OF PRINT but may be found in some libraries) Canadian Poets & Friends 1997, M.O. Publishing Company, USA Canadian Poets & Friends 1998, Laurentian Valley Press, Canada (0-932044-18-2) Canadian Poets & Friends 1979, Laurentian Valley Press, Canada (0709-3462) Canadian Poets & Friends 1980, Laurentian Valley Press, Canada (0709-3462) Canadian
Encounter 1981, Laurentian Valley Press, Canada (0228-6521)
- poetry, articles, reviews, etc.