December 2001:
BAKER, WINONA: “a fine September” – Timepieces, 1994;
“first dream – alive” – Frogpond Vol. 20:1; “abandoned farm”
- Albatross, Vol. 6:1
HALL, CAROLYN: “in the wake” - Modern Haiku,
Vol. XXXI:2, 2000; “restless night” - from "A Crow Not
Settled" in stone frog: American Haibun & Haiga, Vol.2,
Red Moon Press, 2001; “daguerreotypes” - Blithe Spirit,
Vol. II:2, 2001
KARKOW, KIRSTY: “cold snap—“ - Pine Island Journal
of New England poetry Vll 2001; “calm morning” – Acorn,
Issue #7;
KIMMEL, LARRY: “through a haze” and “where the small lake”
- both from his collection, “alone tonight,” Winfred Press, 1998
WISDOM, JOHN: “moonlit pier” – Modern Haiku,
Vol. XXXII:2, Summer, 2001
September 2001:
COHEN, MARTIN: “crescent moon” - Moments,
April 15, 2001COLÓN, CARLOS: “competing with the priest”;
“Japanese lanterns”; and “farmer pointing the way”
– from the linked poem "Competing with the Priest,"
written with Alexis K. Rotella, Lynx XV:3, 2000DJURBABIC, SVETOMIR: “A gypsy boy” - Special
Recognition Award, Haiku Headlines, USA 1999;
“Dark shelter – “Anthology "A Piece of the Sky",
Prague 1999; “Peacock's tail” – Azami, No 44,
Japan 1997HALL, CAROLYN: “asking directions: - Acorn No.
5, 2000; “clay path” - from "A Crow Not Settled"
in "stone frog: American Haibun & Haiga", Vol. 2,
Red Moon Press, 2001; “mammogram waiting
room” – Paperclips, Press Here, Foster City CA, 2001KARKOW, KIRSTY: “blue sky” - Frogpond xxiv:2;
“still morning” - haijinx vol.1 issue 2KOLOMPAR, ANGELIKA: “Green and white lanterns”
- Asahi Evening News, Tokyo, Japan, February 17, 200l;
“grey sea and sky” - temp livres- free times, Favourite of
the week, Dec. 25, 2000NOYES, H.F.: “hazy headwaters” - Mainichi, June 6,
2001 (issue No. 624)RISTIC, DRAGAN J: “lights out" - Anthology of
Southeastern European Haiku Poetry "Knots" edited
by Jim Kacian (USA) and Dimitar Anakiev (Slovenija),
1999; "seller's thundering voice" HM, HIA 1999 Competition,
selected by Tsunehiko HoshinoSPANYER, S.R.: “first light” - NZPS Anthology 2000
ST JACQUES, ELIZABETH: all from “echoes all strung out”
maplebud press, 1989
February 2001:TANKA:BAKER, WINONA: “Egypt disappoints” -
Haiku Canada Newsletter, Vol. XIII:1, 1999
and her collection, “Even A Stone Breathes:
Haiku and Senryu”- oolichan books, 2000;
“hunter's moon” - Herb Barrett Award
anthology of winners, "Through the Spirea,"
1999 and her collection, “Even A Stone
Breathes: Haiku and Senryu” oolichan books,
2000; “snowflakes fill” Amelia, and her collection,
“Moss-Hung Trees: Haiku of the West Coast” -
Reflections Press, 1992 (available only from the
author at <>)CLAUSEN, TOM: all from his haiku and
tanka collection, “Homework” – Snapshot
Press, 2000ESCAREAL, JUANITO: “end of the day“
-Fuyoh/Rose Mallow Haiku Quarterly (Japan),
Issue # 43, 1999 and “sunset” - Fuyoh/Rose Mallow
Haiku Quarterly (Japan), Issue # 42,1999HALL, CAROLYN: “cloudless sky” - 2000 San
Francisco International Haiku Contest, HM;
“wind in the canopy” - Blithe Spirit 10:3, 2000;
“dog day afternoon” - Modern Haiku XXXI:3 (2000)LYLES, PEGGY: “attic sun” - Chiyo's Corner #4,
Spring 2000.KOLOMPAR, ANGELIKA: “grey sea and sky”
- temp livres/free times, Favourite of the week,
Dec. 25, 2000ST JACQUES, ELIZABETH: “now just a line” - “On
The Edge” (solo haiku folder)– pawEprint, June 2000;
“home from hospital” and “still night pond” - Herb
Barrett 1999 Haiku Contest winners’ anthology,
“Sweeping Leaves”
September 2001:March 2001:DUTTON, DENNIS: “Not even” - RAW NerVZ, Vol: VI:4, 2000
CLAUSEN, TOM: “she has twice” – black bough
November 2001:
MALITO, GIOVANNI: “I’ve stayed in my room all my life”
and “Feeling clever, I branched out” – Sijo West #3, 1997
GROSS, LARRY: “I’ll admit it isn’t your fault”
- Sijo West, #5, 1998; “Bark on the oak in the backyard”
and “I bring him water in the field” – Sijo West #2, 1996
and THE TAO OF DEW, Sijo West #5, 1998
ST JACQUES, ELIZABETH: “Oh to know the languages”
—from her sijo collection, Around The Tree of Light,
Maplebud Press, Revised Edition, 1997
February 2001:
ST JACQUES, ELIZABETH: all from “Passages to
Light,” a linked sijo with Jane Logan, Sijo West #5, 1998
(slightly revised)